10代の頃に著名ダンス映画"Fame"に出演。歌って踊れる才能を持ったダンサー兼俳優。On Broadwayの"Rent"では、Angel役という大役を務め、舞台上で繰り広げられるAngelのダンスナンバーの振付にも深く携わる。また"Rent"のNational Tour 1stにも参加。映画"Punks"には俳優として出演し、"The Bodyguard"、"Coming to America"、"To Live & Die in L.A."にはダンサーとして出演。コンサートではMichael Bolton、Reba McEntyre、TVでは"MTV Award with Prince"、"Natalie Cole with Big Break"などの大物俳優やミュージシャンと共演している。
As a dancer and actor, Shaun has been performing on the stage “Fame” since he was a teenager.
He played the role of Angel in the Broadway musical "Rent" and had been deeply involved in choreographing Angel's dance numbers.
He also participated in the “Rent National Tour”.
He performed as an actor in the movie “Punks” and as a dancer in “The Bodyguard” and “Coming to America”.
He has performed with famous actors and musicians such as Michael Bolton and Reba McEntyre in concerts, and in “MTV Award with Prince” on TV.